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Imagine a world where adults with disabilities live well.

Two brothers with their arm around each other, smiling.

1 in 2 of all adults with disabilities get no aerobic physical activity

61 million adults in the United States live with a disability.

Woman holding boxing gloves getting ready to box.

1 in 3 adults with disabilities have an unmet healthcare need due to cost barriers.*


Adults living with disabilities are more likely to experience health problems.

Percent of adults with health conditions

InControl is solving the quality-of-life crisis for adults with disabilities by:

  1. Nurturing independent living skills

  2. Teaching wellness as a lifestyle

Interview with Spokesman Recorder

“Not only do I want it [InControl] to be a safe place, I want it to be a place where people look at us and know that they will receive the help and love and support that they need in every area..”

-Kelsey Joson (CEO & Founder)

Let’s get moving!

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